We have just released the latest version 1.12 of GameGuru on Steam, which includes many fixes to the core product and introduces new content to those users who own the Fantasy DLC Pack (http://store.steampowered.com/app/365530/). Thanks to the feedback over Christmas and the first few months of 2016, we collected a list of fixes you wanted to see ahead of any new features and decided to make this the subject of the current update. Here is a complete list of the changes:
Fixed lightmapper to match same texture models better (dummy limb issue)
Lightmapper can no longer duplicate polygons of first mesh in batching process
Fixed issue causing character entities to rotate to player when enter unfreeze range
Fixed issue with character entities not updating the 'angley' field
LOCK now added to grouped entity menu
Locking entities now prevents entity movement when editing terrain
Fixed 'musicplaytrackX.lua' scripts to use correct full 100 volume
Fixed GetTimer(e) so it reports zero immediately after using StartTimer(e)
Fixed issue of entities spawning 50 units above ground, now just 30 units above
NOTE: Make sure if your model has more than 60 bones, use CPUANIMS=1 and entity_basic.fx
Fixed transportinzone.lua to play sound as non-3D for louder replay
Added new ai_viewanimations.lua to allow quick view of all model animations
Changed the way dynamic lights calculate range to workaround NVIDIA 361 flicker bug
Updated several decal textures to improve quality and looping sequence
Fixed legacy behaviour whereby ISIMMOBILE FPE entities CAN lose health (but only to 1)
Added 'LUA Scripting Advice' to the HELP menu
The LUA command HIDEHUDS no longer hides the TAB TAB menus or metrics panel
Added TITLE, OPTIONS, INGAME, SAVE, LOAD, GFX and SFX option pages under LUA scripts
Added WIN, LOSE, NEXTLEVEL and more advanced loading page LUA script
Added 'resolutions.lua' and usd require to use common resolution finding code in LUA
Fixed issue of previous level cleanup deleting character creator heads for new level
Camera Y Offset now if more than twice the camera distance, camera collision disables
Removed SAVE and LOAD pages to bring forward the V1.12 release (above tweaks)
Fixed g_Inkey and g_Scancode which stopped working with the recent beta update
Really added new ai_viewanimations.lua to allow quick view of all model animations
Updated Abandoned building meshes from Death Valley DLC (minor geometry fixes)
Fixed issue of sinking characters, due to quick-physics boxes for unchanged terrain
Fixed issue with occlusion hiding entities at a distance greater than 12000
Fixed issue with how entity sizes are calculated for the occluder, now less flicker
Fixed issue of Inkey returning key press inside speech marks
Fixed issue with flickering occlusion caused by threshold not scaling with distance
Added new scriptbank\stories\HealthTypes scripts and sample level (shields!!)
Corrected mask texture of Archer in Fantasy DLC - shoe tint issue resolved
Added SCIFI PACK to More Media menu as prompted - good catch!
Added support for View Range in Fantasy Character/Creature script (both Core and DLC)
Prevented F11 menu from being blocked if HIDEHUD is in force
Prevented standalone executables from using any HUDs (TABTAB and F11 menus)
Standardised terrain brush size to be same size in both editor and F9 mode
Added support for g_MouseWheel in DeactivateMouse() mode (absolute not relative)
Corrected description in global.lua - GetImageWidth() is percentage not pixel
Both GetImageWidth() and GetImageHeight() now return as float values
Fixed issue of splash image being off center when set OS font > 100%
As you can see, we did take the opportunity to add some new LUA commands and additional in-game functionality to keep you on your toes. The next update will focus on the top voted feature you have requested which is the ability to save and load your progress in a standalone game, plus your usual grab bag of additional tweaks and additions.