Hi Fellow Game Makers,
Today we are very pleased to announce the launch of V1.132 update and most significantly, the new Expansion Pack DLC which contains over 2.8 GB of game making assets for you to enjoy. This DLC is completely free to GameGuru users and you can download it any time you like, bringing your tally of stock media to over 6000 megabytes of content.
In addition to this boon of assets, we have also made some tweaks to the GameGuru software for those who are interested in the technical side of things. Here is the change log for V1.132:
* Fixed issue which caused 'hidelowfpswarning' in SETUP.INI to be ignored
* Move LUA and AI processing to AFTER PHYSICS/PLR code in main loop so scripts have more up to date plr/camera values
* Added new 'zdepth' field to entity FPE file which can disable the zdepth render order (it will draw like a HUD weapon)
* Fixed issue of GUNSPEC 'textured' field not finding internal HUD.X model textures when it was blank (legacy medieval weapons)
* Added 'usespotlighting' as field in GUNSPEC to control default as to whether projectile has dynamic spot lighting
* Added 'usespotlighting=1' to Modern RPG weapon and Fantasy Staff weapon to ensure they use spot lighting
* SCIFI PACK: Updated Buildings and Interiors with correct AI obstacle settings
* Changed geometry for Light marker so you can better manipulate in 3D free flight mode
* New GAMEDATA.LUA that now supports global tables (thanks to feature and bug work by that fine fellow; Rickie Allen)
* Added extra functionality which disables auto-removal of dead characters if ALWAYS ACTIVE is YES
* Fixed bug in LUA spawn command which confused the entity parent ID (would cause strange behaviours)
* Fixed issue of repeated calls to SetObjectEffect internally when SetFogRed(x), etc is called (performance hit!)
* Used setForceUpdateAllAabbs( false ) in physics engine to speed up handling of static meshes in physics scene
While you enjoy the above, we're now hard at work completing the 'Easy Building Editor' feature which will bring a new ability to construct things directly within the editor, and we look forward to revealing more of this great new feature soon.
We have also taken the opportunity to update our Steam product page with more up to date information, and some newer screenshots, to better reflect the current state of GameGuru and it's immediate development road map. Until the next update, happy game making and feel free to feedback on V1.132 via Steam or the GameGuru forums.