It's been a stuttering start to the coding year, but we've finally assembled a respectable list of fixes, which have now entered beta testing and should be with you real soon. We are also taking this opportunity to make a big update to the Fantasy DLC pack, so existing owners will soon receive new characters, better creature animations and better scripts. As a bonus, all the new characters are parted out the Character Creator too so you can make combinations of your own.
For a list of the fixes our beta testers are currently scrutinising, here they are:
- Fixed lightmapper to match same texture models better (dummy limb issue)
- Lightmapper can no longer duplicate polygons of first mesh in batching process
- Fixed issue causing character entities to rotate to player when enter unfreeze range
- Fixed issue with character entities not updating the 'angley' field
- LOCK now added to grouped entity menu
- Locking entities now prevents entity movement when editing terrain
- Fixed 'musicplaytrackX.lua' scripts to use correct full 100 volume
- Fixed GetTimer(e) so it reports zero immediately after using StartTimer(e)
- Fixed issue of entities spawning 50 units above ground, now just 30 units above
- NOTE: Make sure if your model has more than 60 bones, use CPUANIMS=1 and entity_basic.fx
- Fixed transportinzone.lua to play sound as non-3D for louder replay
- Added new ai_viewanimations.lua to allow quick view of all model animations
- Changed the way dymamic lights calculate range to workaround NVIDIA 361 flicker bug
- Updated several decal textures to improve quality and looping sequenceFixed legacy behaviour whereby ISIMMOBILE FPE entities CAN lose health (but only to 1)
- Added 'LUA Scripting Advice' to the HELP menu
- The LUA command HIDEHUDS no longer hides the TAB TAB menus or metrics panel
- Added TITLE, OPTIONS, INGAME, SAVE, LOAD, GFX and SFX option pages under LUA scripts
- Added WIN, LOSE, NEXTLEVEL and more advanced loading page LUA script
- Added 'resolutions.lua' using 'require' to use common resolution finding code in LUA
- Fixed issue of previous level cleanup deleting character creator heads for new level
- Camera Y Offset now if more than twice the camera distance, camera collision disables
- Removed SAVE and LOAD pages to bring forward the V1.12 release (above tweaks)
Once V1.12 has been approved by our testers, we will release next week if all goes well and start work on putting the Save and Load menus back, along with the required functionality to save your game progress when you are battling through your standalone game.
And just so you get your daily fix of eye candy, I decided to create a half woman, half skeleton, half barbarian axe wielding A.I. I know that's 150%, but you get a pretty fair chunk of extra stuff in the next Fantasy DLC update, so it feels right somehow!