GameGuru Classic - September Bug Fixes released!

We've just released our third quarterly update for 2021, continuing our pledge to keep GameGuru Classic bug-free. We assaulted the issues board on GitHub, took every report made since June, and made sure we gave each one our full attention. After the round of fixes, only four remained, three of them awaiting further responses from the original poster, and one we provided the additional information requested. The rest we squashed!

Here is a run-down of the ones we splatted:

  • TAB TAB Visual Settings Fixed
  • Fixed lightmapping with various entity configurations
  • Adjusted player movement and physics, also corrected weapon animation speed
  • Fixed specular in standalone games
  • Solved issue of widget rotation not working 100% of the time
  • Corrected Fog Nearest issue so fog near and far distances working normally

We remain constantly on the hunt for new bugs, so if you do find an issue that you would like to see fixed in the next update please do post it on our issues board here:

If you ever wondered what happened to all the new features we used to constantly add to Classic, you will find our efforts directed towards GameGuru MAX - the successor to GameGuru Classic - which launches later this year.

Find out more from our regular live broadcasts which you can watch every Wednesday on our YouTube GameGuru MAX YouTube Channel

Rest assured we are committed to developing GameGuru Classic and GameGuru MAX side by side and we will ensure that for as long as there is a GameGuru Classic community we will keep the updates coming :-)