A weekly round-up of all things GameGuru (from Bolt-Action Gaming)

Happy April Fool's Day!  In this version of the GameGuru Report I'll be covering the new Cry-Real-Ity engine, a fusion of the top three engines that is sure to deliver the best performance at the most complexity possible!

Or not.

On with the report!

GameGuru News

This week, we have the return of Lee.  I have it on fairly good authority that he's working hard on the engine, so hopefully we'll see some traction there.

On Github there's been an encryption issue recently resolved in the 'march fixer'. Two new branches were added to GitHub - 'Alphasite and AlphasiteXR'. 

What's Good in the Store

This week's totally subjective view of the store is rather favorable.  Wolf's started making models again.  I always do enjoy the style of his models.  He makes the most of the DNIS texture style. 

Dagored put out a new sea creature.

I really am digging the new 'snow falling windows' by 3com.  Very interesting work!

And lastly, a new user "fredgames77" has started putting up some interesting things, notably this scarecrow.

Free Stuff

Lafette II got out of the hospital and made a model of a volcano!

Get your copy here: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220474?page=2#msg2613848

Nothing else really came across my desk this week.

Third Party Tools and Tutorials

Nothing new this week, though the creator of Vishnu Packer is apparently looking at adding in GameGuru support.  

Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs) 

Tarkus1971 continues work on his Urban Histories game. 

While it's heavily reliant on the Borderlands-esque cartoon shader, it has a solid look to it.  With polish, it will likely be a decent title.   I like the idea of an urban-exploration game, however, so this could be very interesting if the gameplay bears out.

Wolf showcased some new screenshots of some entities he's got as characters that seem fairly well put together though most of this is by his own words a retrofit on older media:

Still, custom media beats stock media by miles, so even a rework of older stuff is often better than the out of the box assets.  Details and further screenshots can be found here: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/211124?page=7#msg2613860

In My Own Works

Well, finally got my production information from the publisher - it is going to be published on 19 August 2019.  So get your wallets ready :) 

That all said, I have assets being made for this along with other interesting bits that are to go with this as a bonus. The weapons are coming along nicely and all should be in a nice line by the time the book goes on sale in August.  I'll be holding a promotion for a free copy as well, along with coupons, discounts and more!

Michael Messina (AKA Bolt-Action Gaming) is a native of central Pennsylvania, currently residing near York. He is a Linux Systems Engineer, part-time author, part-time Indy game-dev and full-time father. He is currently working on authoring a start to finish guide for GameGuru via Taylor and Francis (via CRCPress).