A weekly round-up of all things GameGuru (from Bolt-Action Gaming)

GameGuru News

I'm going to change the title of this from 'official' GameGuru news to GameGuru news.  This is for several reasons.  One, I am not an official news source of GameGuru.  Everything I do, I do without compensation as a service to the community at large. 

Second, my blog/report is not here to parrot what is already out there officially from TheGameCreators.  As such, expect editorial-style analysis and things out of the box of the usual - along with a nod towards whatever actual news is out there. I do, however, appreciate their good graces of putting my blog/report on their site through blog syndication.

So with respect to 'official news' - There isn't any. Nothing new has been posted.

What's Good in the Store

The store hasn't changed much this week.  Mad lobster continued to add to his studio kit, as he frequently does.  As a result, you can expect even more high quality assets to trickle their way into this very well made set.


Third party tools and tutorials

Big apology to Corno_1 whom last week I accidentally missed an update with respect to his 'EBE Editor 2.0'.  You can use the editor to make new shapes for the EBE, to allow for some fairly interesting variations on the usual fare inside of GameGuru's editor.

You can obtain your copy of this free utility here: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220618

Someone recently pointed me at a new site called 'www.scriptguru.net' - I cannot comment much on it other than it's nice to see a new resource in the community.  They do have some interesting tutorial videos, however, so it may be worth a trip there to check those out.

Free Stuff

Graphix made a grappling hook.  Looks great though I honestly have no idea what I'd use this for.

Gtox made a hilariously weird dog with a man's head that's available for free: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220642#msg2613678

Grobyken made a massive tome of all of his free works in one location.  Get them all here: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/217711?page=5#msg2613666

Side note... people with a name that starts with G apparently are (G)enerous :) 


Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs)

A new challenger appears!  This user built a relatively rare isometric shooter.  While I love these types of games for GameGuru, I know the limitations are going to seriously box him in.  I do wish him the best of luck though!  https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220643

Cogwheel Chronicles is just.. man.  This guy is something else.  I'm really impressed at your level of work Cybernessence.


In My Own Works

So having wrapped up my book it's so hard to not go back and try to feature creep it.  I want to consistently go back and edit things, but alas, that's in the hands of the publisher until we do a revised version.  I'm sure I missed things.  I KNOW I missed things.

One interesting tidbit I'd love to have included was a user (Defy) recently posted this beautiful screenshot illustrating some problems with GG's memory usage.

Make sure you look at the full-size image.  This in a nutshell captures the problems with memory usage and GameGuru.  When I put my book together, fully 1/10th of the book was on testing, troubleshooting, and optimization.  That's a minimum of 14,000 words on those subjects.  Serious work needs done to get GameGuru cleaned up and I hope that work like this will spur fixes in the right direction.

In my own works, I'm still putting together a nice 'freebie' sky to go with the pack.  Thank you everyone who purchased it while it was on sale.  Maybe it will find its way into another sale in the future.  Enjoy the skies and make sure you leave a comment!

Michael Messina (AKA Bolt-Action Gaming) is a native of central Pennsylvania, currently residing near York. He is a Linux Systems Engineer, part-time author, part-time Indy game-dev and full-time father. He is currently working on authoring a start to finish guide for GameGuru via Taylor and Francis (via CRCPress).