Nothing big at the moment, just a new PP version for testing from the upstream beta build. This does however mean that we can expect a live version very shortly. Looking forward to testing it, myself. Anyone interested in how to use the PP version can find details here:
What's Good in The Store
Moving on - there's a lot of great stuff this week. We've got a fantastic 'Space Derelict' pack by Kasseyus,
a full 18-piece foundry kit from Lafette,
a functional stationary gun emplacement by GraphiX,
a 'porta-cabin' kit by Graphix,
and a really interesting 'imp' monster by lotgd.
Not bad for a single week!
Free Stuff
A bit of sad news this week. Bod has finally pulled the plug on his free works. He's no longer offering any of it for free. Pardon my interjection here but it seems like a phenomenal waste of effort in this case. Bod, if you are reading this my recommendation is to offer the works on the store for a price you feel would be acceptable. I'm sure there'd be a surplus of people (myself included) who'd pony up the appropriate amount for it.
Beyond that we have: Lafette put out a perfect complement to the sci-fi pack here!
Third Party Tools and Tutorials
A rigging tutorial here:
A good thread on how to fix the cel shader for GameGuru:
Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs)
Bonesy keeps on cracking, good job man. Just keep chipping away at it it. I like the inclusion of objectives to help keep your players on task (see below screenshot).
I'm also very happy to announce that Wolf posted some work in progress pics. Damn fine stuff sir!
Also I thought I'd drop a screenshot of some of my own stuff. I'm working with some new tools on my first new skies set in years. Here's one of my favorites:
Believe it or not, there's more impressive ones than that. I'm really excited to bring these out for everyone.
In My Own Works
As mentioned previously, I'm working on a pack of new space skies for consumption. Expect the older skies to get price reduced and the newer skies to come out shortly as a pack. I'll then give it a few months then add the new skies to the 'All skies and weather' a few months after that. I have plans for the weather system as well including a minor overhaul to include some better use of commands as well as to improve its function.
Now for the big news:
The book is officially in the hands of my publisher! I'm very happy to finally get to this point after nearly a year of solid work. For those interested this will be published under CRC Press via Taylor and Francis publishing. It *WILL* be available for international distribution. It's designed as a start to finish guide with GameGuru through a game's whole lifecycle. It will have over 450 pages of printed text, 130+ pictures, a full seventeen thousand word appendix (Lua, Error codes, Gunspec, FPE, etc) and a whole host of custom models and media you will only be able to get with the book!
My acknowledgements section was pretty long and rightfully so! Thanks again to everyone who helped get me this far.
Michael Messina (AKA Bolt-Action Gaming) is a native of central Pennsylvania, currently residing near York. He is a Linux Systems Engineer, part-time author, part-time Indy game-dev and full-time father. He is currently working on authoring a start to finish guide for GameGuru via Taylor and Francis (via CRCPress).