A weekly round-up of all things GameGuru (from Bolt-Action Gaming)

Official GameGuru News

This week we have some information from the man himself - apparently Lee is hard at work at working on a new beta version that will be dropping shortly for beta testers.  This will eventually trickle down as a PP build, then a public build. 

Here's to hoping for a big pile of those issues getting cleared and some GUI functionality added!

Also, if you missed it the weapons DLC is on sale.

What's good in the store 

This week in the store it looks like a user named CryneX put some games up.  Nice to see the store expanding its function.  There's been some back-chatter of opening it up even more to help boost sales further.

Beyond that there's some candles by MStockton and a HUGE destructible buildings kit by 3com (100 buildings or more!)

Free Stuff

Tarkus1971 provided more free music to the cause: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/213190?page=5#msg2612185

Osiem80 posted some free boxes here: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220539#msg2612139

Wolf made another fantastic bar set to complement his old freebie: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220550

Lafette II has been putting out an astonishing amount of quality free work: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220474#msg2612222#

The generosity of some in the community never ceases to amaze me.  Remember to say thank you to all of the people willing to dedicate their time and efforts to your projects!

Third Party Tools and Tutorials

Cybernessence summed up how to use an FPP file to smooth your standalone's creation (I'll admit, I already covered this in my book but if you want to see how to do this before it comes out - here you go!)

PirateMyke hit us with some big knowledge on the gunspec file: https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/220536

Graphix put about 5 threads up on the forum about a wide range of topics.  Check them out here:

Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs) 

3com has gone from breaking buildings to burning foliage.  Really interesting stuff.  You can find the video on it here: 

PirateMyke has been making leaps and bounds with Mega Pack 3's update.  He posted a video on it earlier this week but check out this screenshot of some of the updates:

Gorgeous!  You should see it side by side with one of the old DNIS buildings.  It's night and day. The video can be found here:

In My Own Works

I spoke with my publisher this morning and while I'm a little behind on my book due to the sheer volume of pictures and its corresponding level of work, I have committed to wrapping up my submission by middle of next week. I'm very, VERY close now.  The editing process is mostly done.  I'm finishing up the formatting and typesetting which is extremely specific. Truly though, I'm looking forward to being finished.  This great endeavor has proven exhausting and I'll be happy to be completed.

Michael Messina (AKA Bolt-Action Gaming) is a native of central Pennsylvania, currently residing near York. He is a Linux Systems Engineer, part-time author, part-time Indy game-dev and full-time father. He is currently working on authoring a start to finish guide for GameGuru via Taylor and Francis (via CRCPress).